Monday, April 7, 2008

Now we finally get to the 2nd biggest aspect of WoW: PvP (Player vs player, where players basically just fight each other rather than computer-controlled units)

Here's a really long (and arguably nerdy) article on evolution of WoW PvP system:

I'm going to try to keep the explanation simple...

Basically, when the game first game out, there was no "PvP" either played on realms where you were free to engage opposing faction at any time (You have to pick either the Alliance, which basically appeals to the mass market with races like Gnomes...Night Elves...Humans...Dwarves...Draenei, or Horde, which includes the Undead, Tauren, Orc, Troll and Blood Elves) on PvP realms or if you wanted to be left alone and quest, you had to play on PvE realms

Just to clarify, on PvP realms, world PvP (where people just fight each other in the world with no real purpose or goals) is encouraged...whereas in PvE realms, you can't freely attack opposing faction like in PvP realms

With that out of the way...Blizzard realized that PvP was a very popular activity, so they wanted to implement reward/progression system related to PvP....along came Honor system

In other words, if you kill any member of opposing faction (because you can't kill members of your own faction), then you receive honor...honor is then used as a currency for you to buy PvP gear...with that, now there was PROGRESSION and COMPETITION for players, which is what really makes games fun--if there is nothing to look forward to, then why should you continue to play the game? Not to mention, everyone loves a bit of competition :)

Throughout the course of the game, Blizzard implemented more features to cater to players that thrived in PvP environment--Battle Groups where massive groups duked out in a map, world PvP objectives and rewards, and finally, Arena, where players form teams of 2/3/5 and fight against other players.

Again, I'm going to say that I cut out a LOT of details because it could've gotten quite extensive and boring...however, one PvP system, Arena, is worthy of more attention

Sidenote: I should have mentioned this, but in the game there are 9 classes total, each being able to specialize in 3 types of for instance, there are the heavy-armor wielding Warriors, who could specialize in Protection (absorbing damage), Fury (Pumping out maximum damage with double weapons) or Arms (The most popular talent set up for PvP)...there are also leather wearing Rogues, who likes to specialize in stealthing and ambushing enemies...basically, if you look hard enough, you will eventually find a play style you like since there are basically 27 to choose from

Arenas are THE MOST competitive PvP system there is--you have to form the right combination of teams and practice to succeed...more successful your team is, more arena points (similar to honor, its the currency to buy arena PvP gear, which is the best PvP gear there is in the game) you can get, better gear you can get sooner, etc. There are "flavors of the month," meaning hackneyed setups that seemingly EVERYONE seem to use due to explosion of popularity...what does this really mean? Does it mean that the game isn't balanced enough?

Interestingly enough, Blizzard occasionally steps in and makes adjustments to classes, but what usually happens is that these popular setups usually fade away and another popular setup comes into other words, the game sort of balances itself out because as a new popular setup comes into light, counters-strategies are formed and in comes even "better" team setups...

Blizzard recently started to sponsor official Arena competitions with real cash prizes...more information found HERE. In the end, WoW caters to those who enjoy PvE (aka raiding bosses) and those that enjoy shooting laser at other players faces (metaphorically speaking).

And of course, here are few random videos, showcasing what Arena is like
Credit to Warcraftbabii:

Credit to Masterbrax1:

If you remember my earlier blog post, the most popular WoW video website was THIS ONE...some of the most respected and skilled players tend to record themselves and publish it on the website for entertainment and educational (aka novices can watch how the "pros" do it) purposes...then they can visit websites dedicated to WoW arena such as THIS (probably the most frequented WoW arena website) to discuss strategies and such...

That's the gist of PvP environment of WoW :)

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