Sunday, April 20, 2008

There is really no specific theme for tonight...just few "random" WoW related sites

New leaked photos of upcoming WoW expansion: Wrath of the Lich King!!!
I guess I should mention what expansions are here...
It's not unusual to find expansions for computer games...what expansion packs do (in this case, WoW) is that it adds more to the game...for WoW, expansion will introduce many new zones, bosses, items, spells, skills, new level cap of 80, etc. This is actually fruitful because it gives established fan base reason to come back (and that means steady revenue source) also gives an opportunity to attract new customers...also, because Blizzard has already established a Warcraft Lore, they can simply develop new heroes/villains without having to come up another storyline from scratch...needless to say, I'm anxiously looking forward to this expansion :)

A guild manages to kill 25-man raid boss with just 8 people
If you recall my earlier post about raiding, its usually accomplished by 25 people...Gruul (the boss mentioned in the site) is Tier 4 boss (aka probably the easiest raid boss in WoW). Another previously mentioned guild, Nihilum, once managed to defeat Gruul with just 15 people (and I say "just" because when they did it, not many guilds progressed passed the overall gear quality was weak). Now, because numerous guilds have passed Gruul and ventured into the Black Temple (tier 6), they're pretty much OVERGEARED for Gruul, but I guess they wanted to see how many people they had to use to kill Gruul...I might suggest this to my guild if we can be bothered :D

Wow accounts for sale
It's not unusual to find people get bored of WoW...rather than letting their WoW subscription die, many people opt to sell their accounts...some of the really geared accounts can fetch a lot of money (and we're talking few hundred dollars in real life money) since it takes a LOT of time to build a character up...the cheapest level 70 character (level 70 is the cap--you cannot level past 70) were ~$100 because they pretty much had no gear...
Account trading/selling/buying isn't just ubiquitous in WoW--basically ANY MMORPG games (some of WoW's rivals like Everquest 1/2, EVE online, etc) have account tradings

A nice chart showing how WoW's competitors are doing
Not much I can say on this you can see, WoW is simply dominating the market...

Funny WoW related license plates :)
Part 2 :)
Pretty self explanatory...TRANSLATION:
NUBL2P - Noob/Newbie...learn to play (very frequently used phrase in WoW hehe)
WOWMAGE - There are mages in WoW :p
LFGPST - Looking For Group Please Send Tell (aka I'm looking to group up for [insert dungeon name or other group activity], please message me)
LFGUBRS - Looking For Group for Upper Black Rock Spire, which is one of many dungeons/instances in WoW
WTFNOOB - I need to explain this one? :p
GGNOOB - Good Game Noob (phrase mentioned in my earlier blog post)

WoW themed cake!!! Yummy.
Cake for the Horde!!!!!!
Some fans decided to make really cool looking cakes that resemble Alliance/Horde flag...just to refresh your memory, you have to decide if you want to be part of the Alliance (simply by picking Night Elf, Dwarf, Human, Draenai or Gnomes) or the Horde (Undead, Tauren, Orc, Troll or Blood Elf) when you create your character...Horde and Alliance have never been friends...they're always in conflict

And last but not least...
Wikipedia for WoW...Wowwiki!!!

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