Monday, April 28, 2008

So this entry is officially the last one to be graded...with that in mind, I guess the appropriate topic is when players quit the game

It's not all that difficult to see players quit WoW...some people just get bored of the game while others are simply overwhelmed by real-life obligations (job, fiance, etc).

Few good-bye posts from my server, Ner'zhul
Emotive was a well-respected mage...he has been around since WoW came out ~3 years ago and have been active. He was also ranked one of the best in Arena

Guild "Lost Anarchy"
Lost Anarchy was one of the top guilds on server until they disbanded due to guild dramas...most of the members either transferred to different servers or simply quit the game

Similar to Emotive, he was also one of the best (and most respected) players on Ner'zhul, whos been playing since WoW came out...

It's probably easy to think "Ok so what's the big deal? They're quitting a silly online game...woopy doo"
However, it's easy to get very attached to the meet friends, spend hundreds of hours building up your character, quest together with friends, etc...for some folks, WoW has become a huge part of their life. Sympathies from other players certainly attest to this--they understand that it's not easy quitting WoW, so they are compelled to bid final farewell to their friend.
I also see various ex-guild members (who quit WoW) still posting on my guild forums to keep in touch with their old friends. Although we may no longer play WoW together, they still like socializing and even trying to find other games to play together (mainly Nintendo Wii hehe).

On a rather comical side to this somewhat sad phenomenon, its also not surprising to find players come back to WoW. In fact, some of my guild members are talking about coming back once again---they usually talk about how they had to fight the urge to come back but ultimately losing the (futile) battle *giggle* particular member (without mentioning names) actually vowed to work ridiculous # of hours per week to occupy himself (and hopefully not play WoW)...however, after few months, he couldn't resist the temptation and came back to play (although he doesn't play as much anymore, he's just probably more interested in keeping touch with guildies more).

I was watching a WoW video (created by another player) today and came across this quote
"If it hadn't been for fun people I met, I wouldn't be playing this game"
And I completely agree--it's really the people that makes me continue to play this game...even if I lose interest in game itself, I will probably stick around to socialize

I don't really want my last blog graded blog topic to be somber, so here's somewhat cheerful anecdote

SIDENOTE: On forums, there's a internet phenomenon called's basically user suckers others into clicking a link, only to be directed to THIS VIDEO. In fact, it got so popular that Blizzard banned RICKROLLING on its forums

Here's a pretty nice explanation of what Rickroll is

And here's a real-life application of rick roll
Credit to onethousand98

So now that you know what Rickrolling's a funny anecdote of a player who Rickrolls a GM (Game Master, they usually deal with in-game problems)...CLICK HERE

And as a final note...

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